Thanks for purchasing “GMB Conversions Maximizer”!

There’s a lot of information on this page. Start with the next four videos first. Then proceed to the rest of the material.

Video 1: How to increase your conversion rate for GMB Gold Mine using the phone

Video 2: Understanding follow up

Video 3: The first follow up phone call

Video 4: Further follow up

The next items are replays from one of my high ticket, sales training webinars. This material will deepen your understanding of my GMB Conversions Maximizer system. Learn this stuff and you’ll be unstoppable!

Webinar 1: Introduction, Mindset, How Phone Selling Really Works, The Script, More

You Can Download The Slides Here:

Download Open Office.

Webinar 2: Follow Up

Download the Notes

Webinar 3: The Presentation, Upselling (my way!)

Webinar 4: Phone Selling 2016: Integration